Improving the lives of migraine sufferers in Ireland

Migraine specialists gathered to look at ways to make life better for half a million migraine sufferers in Ireland

Fifty of Ireland’s top consultant neurologists, doctors and GPs with a special interest in Neurology, met to learn more about the latest treatments for the half a million migraine patients in Ireland. 01

Migraine is a neurological condition affecting around 12-15 per cent of the total population. 01 Migraine is a hugely under-diagnosed and misunderstood condition which is often dismissed as “only a headache”, but it can have a devastating impact on quality of life. The World Health Organisation found migraine to be the sixth highest cause worldwide of years of life lost due to disability. 02

According to the Irish Migraine Association, the average migraineur misses between 1½ and 4½ days of work annually, costing Irish businesses €252 million and a year in lost productivity. 03

Cork University Hospital, Ireland staged its 6th Annual Neurology Update Meeting on Friday 14th December with Professor Peter Goadsby as the key note speaker. Teva sponsored the event.

Professor Goadsby is a neurologist and a professor at Kings College, London. He is one of the world’s leading headache experts and researchers. He has won dozens of awards and honours in the field of headache and is one of the most cited headache doctors practicing today.

He spoke about Migraine 2018 and beyond, mentioning that this is a particularly exciting time for consultant neurologists, GPs and most of all patients as more information and treatments become available.

His talk focused on new therapies for migraine that are designed specifically to act on the underlying mechanisms of this disabling condition.

As the largest supplier of medicines to Irish pharmacies 04 Teva is committed to providing high quality education in the field of neurology, in particular the headache and multiple sclerosis therapy areas by working with some of Ireland’s leading consultant neurologists.

Original Teva Ref: IE/CPE/19/0001
Date of preparation: February 2019

References - Correct at date published

  1. Back to contents.
  2. Back to contents.

    Global Burden of Disease, Health Metrics - Vol 390 September 16, 2017. Accessed 31.01.2019

  3. Back to contents.
  4. Back to contents.

    Teva Ireland – Data on file

Date of preparation: December 2020
Reference: COB-IE-NP-00028

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